IF you are receiving this error, it might be due to issues in multiple places. You have to understand that the error is not in SQL Loader alone.
It might be due to the Call to SQL Loader when a bind variable used to call it is undefined.
But the majority of this issue is due to the bind variables referenced in the control file of the SQL Loader itself.
Check for any typos in all the bind variables or any bind variable name that is not used in the control file.
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table TEST.
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
It might be due to the Call to SQL Loader when a bind variable used to call it is undefined.
But the majority of this issue is due to the bind variables referenced in the control file of the SQL Loader itself.
Check for any typos in all the bind variables or any bind variable name that is not used in the control file.
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table TEST.
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
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