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Friday, March 27, 2015

R12 - SQL Query to get payment method for a vendor site

Unlike in 11i, the payment method code for a vendor site is no longer present in ap_supplier_sites_all table in R12. This is now moved to the Oracle Payments module tables.

The below query can be used to get the payment method code for a given vendor site id in R12:

SELECT ieppm.payment_method_code
FROM ap_supplier_sites_all assa,
   ap_suppliers sup,
   iby_external_payees_all iepa,
   iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm
WHERE sup.vendor_id                     = assa.vendor_id
AND assa.vendor_site_id                 = iepa.supplier_site_id
AND iepa.ext_payee_id                   = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id
AND NVL(ieppm.inactive_date, SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE
AND assa.vendor_site_id                 = :vendor_site_id
AND ieppm.primary_flag                  = 'Y'
AND assa.pay_site_flag                  = 'Y';


  1. Why does this return no data even though I see "Electronic" as the payment method checked box for a supplier? I have verified correct site id.

  2. It is failing when i select Wire, Comcheck payment method, Bill payable under LOCAL GROCARY SUPPLER in NYC Site.

  3. Thank you for sharing this query, it helped us resolve an issue fairly quickly....



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