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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oracle Applications - Getting Journals posted after a cut off time - Oracle GL

select '="'||to_char(to_date(h.period_name,'MON-YY'),'MON-YY')||'"' as period_name
                           ,'="'||to_char(h.posted_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||'"' as posted_date
                          --,to_char(h.posted_date,v_date_format) as posted_date
                         -- ,to_char(h.posted_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') as posted_date
                           ,u2.user_name     as Posted_by
                          ,replace(u2.description,',',NULL)   as Posted_by_name
                          ,replace(replace(replace(,',',NULL),chr(10),NULL),chr(13),NULL) as batch_name
                          ,             as journal_name
                          ,replace(replace(replace(h.description,',',NULL),chr(10),NULL),chr(13),NULL) as description
                          ,'="'||to_char(h.date_created,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||'"' as date_created
                          ,u1.user_name     as Created_by
                          ,replace(u1.description,',',NULL)     as Created_by_name
                    from apps.gl_je_batches    b
                        ,apps.gl_je_headers    h
                        ,apps.gl_je_categories cat
                        ,fnd_user                u1
                        ,fnd_user                u2
                    where b.je_batch_id      = h.je_batch_id
                      and   h.created_by      = u1.user_id
                      and h.last_updated_by = u2.user_id
                      and h.je_category     = cat.je_category_name
                      and h.set_of_books_id = 1
                      --and h.period_name     in ('JUN-10')
                      and h.period_name     = 'APR-12'
                      and h.status             = 'P'
                      and h.posted_date >= to_date('4-MAY-2012 21:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
        order by h.posted_date;

Monday, March 26, 2012

Oracle Applications - Query to get all responsibilities assigned to all active users

select  distinct responsibility_name ,y.user_name
      , z.employee_number
      , z.full_name,
        from apps.fnd_user_resp_groups x , fnd_user y , per_people_f z ,fnd_responsibility_tl a
              where x.responsibility_id = a.responsibility_id    
    and  x.start_date <=sysdate and (x.end_date is null OR x.end_date > sysdate)
    and y.user_id = x.user_id
    and  y.start_date <=sysdate and (y.end_date is null OR y.end_date > sysdate)
    and z.employee_number = y.user_name
    and  z.effective_start_date <=sysdate
    and (z.effective_end_date  > sysdate or z.effective_end_date is NULL)
    and language = 'US'
    order by employee_number nulls first

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Copying data along with the Column headers from Data grid in Toad

When you need to copy data from the Toad Data grid, CTRL+V will not copy the column headers. If you need the Column headers to be copied, press CTRL+INSERT to copy the headers as well.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SQL to get the Next or previous Weekend Date - NEXT_DAY

The below SQL gives the next Saturday and the next Sunday dates.

SELECT NEXT_DAY('06-MAR-2012', 'SATURDAY') "next saturday" 
,NEXT_DAY('06-MAR-2012', 'SUNDAY') "next sunday"
FROM dual;

If the requirement is to find the previous weekend dates, just subtract the dates by 7.

SELECT NEXT_DAY('06-MAR-2012', 'SATURDAY')-7 "next saturday" 
,NEXT_DAY('06-MAR-2012', 'SUNDAY')-7 "next sunday" 
FROM dual;


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