select distinct responsibility_name ,y.user_name
, z.employee_number
, z.full_name,
from apps.fnd_user_resp_groups x , fnd_user y , per_people_f z ,fnd_responsibility_tl a
where x.responsibility_id = a.responsibility_id
and x.start_date <=sysdate and (x.end_date is null OR x.end_date > sysdate)
and y.user_id = x.user_id
and y.start_date <=sysdate and (y.end_date is null OR y.end_date > sysdate)
and z.employee_number = y.user_name
and z.effective_start_date <=sysdate
and (z.effective_end_date > sysdate or z.effective_end_date is NULL)
and language = 'US'
order by employee_number nulls first